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The Brave hummingbird        Healing Studio

The Brave Hummingbird Healing Studio is truly an oasis that is untouched by the weight of the world and its accompaniments- noise, stress and the imposing technology that keeps us in constant touch with that noise and stress. (I do request that cell phones and the like be on OFF when you come for a session.) When you come in you will be relieved of your heavy load and you will leave as light as the feather of a humming bird.


We offer a variety of Massage Therapy Modalities at the studio which include but are not limited to;Swedish massage, deep Tissue, Sports, Reflexology, Cupping, Hotstone Massage, ionic foot detoxification, Frequency Vibration therapy and Energy Medicine Healing Sessions, ceremonies, group classes and workshops, and Holistic health coaching. We welcome you as a person, as an individual-and as such, a tailor-made plan will reflect your unique circumstance and situation as it addresses your specific needs. You will not find ‘cookie cutter, generalized one size fits all’ here.we are available to all of you that want to let go of the past habits that weigh you down and make you unhealthy. We want to get you on the road to making better choices to make the best you possible with  therapies that will change your life! In other words, we will work together to break the chains of pain, discomfort and sickness without breaking the bank. There is a need for therapists that aren’t just knowledgeable but also caring. Our passion and fulfillment are intertwined with our clients and their satisfaction.


We hope that it will become your home away from home but with the added benefit of having all the amazing and exciting services and tools to help you maintain and nourish your happy and balanced new life readily available to you. Let us be part of your journey to complete wellness. When you are ready to transform your life, contact us!

MY Philosophy:

I want to help people take charge of their lives through body work, nutritional coaching, Energy medicine and more. I believe that disease and pain (and the discomfort they bring) proliferate as a result of old wounds and stress in our minds, hearts, and bodies. My goal is to help people get to the root of their primary issue and begin the journey to complete healing from there. At your disposal, you will have my vast knowledge of the physiological inner workings of the body as I isolate your pain and discomfort using conventional and safe, holistic, alternative methods to bring you back to the optimum state of being while arming you with tools and proficiency to make that optimum state of being one you can expect for life! . My ultimate goal as a Therapist is to bring balance and harmony into every life that I touch - Mind, Body and Spirit.






***Any therapy or advice given by Maria Rodriguez LMT, EMP or any affiliate of the Brave Hummingbird is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition.***

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